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Daily Thirty, #00001

Updated: Apr 19

Here's me going to try for the zillionth time to stick to a writing routine. I'm calling it Daily Thirty, which essentially means thirty minutes of nonstop writing once a day, either first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening. (Forgive the very amateur title image hurriedly made with Canva.)

And the timer

Second morning of poor sleep. I skipped the quetiapine for the past two nights because there was work to finish and I needed the extra hours from the hours allocated for sleep. Quetiapine works well for me under the condition that I let myself get the number of hours sleep my body needs. If not, I am a zombie all day. So I skipped it for the meantime.

Two new business pitches are what's eating up my hours. Plus a growing pile of backlog at work. I still haven't replaced the person who previously left so the workload of 3-4 people are being handled by just two. Add to that the daily ADHD challenge of executive dysfunction, distraction/hyperfocus, overlaid with anxiety and depression. And recently I suspect that perimenopause may have arrived.

I am taking comfort in the fact that it's already Friday. Although I will be putting in weekend work due to a workshop seminar and work on the second business pitch due on Monday, PLUS overseeing a research report and a strategy review also due on Monday, PLUS completing a research proposal also due on Monday.

Hence I am seriously contemplating taking an offset leave on Tuesday... We'll see.

I have passed the one-week mark with the new task management app and so far it has made me complete tasks more than all the other previous apps I've tried. It's called Finch. It's a gamified task app that lets me win gems that enable me to take care of my pet pal, Berry. I get to buy her clothes as well as furniture for her home. I learned about it from a Medium article on ADHD-friendly apps that can help with daily routines.

I don't know who really reads these blog posts. I write them more for myself. In a way I also write it for the Universe, like a conversational prayer of sorts. (I should actually get around to printing out these digital entries and filing them in a binder. Yes I am one of those folks. In an apocalyptic scenario, electricity is one of the first to go and no more digital anything. This is also why I still buy paper books. And why I prefer drawing and painting by hand. I dislike being too reliant on battery charges and powerbanks.)

It's 7:17AM now. I'll have to feed the cats after this writing. Then start getting ready for the pitch presentation. My luck that the client office is walking distance from my house so I save on the travel time. Call time for the team is at 9:00AM at the Starbucks across the client office. After the presentation I will be going straight home to work on all the stuff due on Monday PLUS stuff due today PLUS one more meeting for the day via Teams.

I am hoping that if I do this Daily Thirty thing regularly enough, my writing would eventually go beyond the surface and go deeper. I want to get to the place where the fairy tales and the poems are. I want to go back to exploring the stories of the impossible garden and the wildforest.

Wildforest reminds me of Mindforest, my publication on Medium. I post selected entries from this blog. When I get to the deeper writing stage I hope to have more to share there. Aside from my art, I want to revive and reconnect with my love for writing which was what has gotten me through my tumultuous twenties (writings inspired by that time are in the storybook of In The Time of the Dreaming.


Less than two minutes to go. I should wrap this up.

Thank you for reading this far. May your day be gifted with pleasant surprises.

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