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Daily Thirty, #00002

Not exactly daily, is it?

But I try. Until it really happens. So here goes.

I had two odd days this week. One was Tuesday when I was supposed to take it slow and I ended up being super-productive with errands up to finally getting a haircut and getting my eyeglasses fixed (because the cat lay down on it and deformed one of the ear-stems).

Then there was Wednesday when all the energy left me and I merely existed and slept. I managed to do a small handful of urgent tasks for work but otherwise I was less alive than a vegetable.

Today I am close to the usual: tired in the usual way, but still able to exert the effort to focus and get some thing done. I am on cat feeding duties so that adds to the effort that expends extra energy. Which means I'll be extra exhausted as I always am on cat feeding days.

Work task list filled up again as of yesterday afternoon so I need to be very together again from today until the next couple of weeks.

The Radwimps concert is near and I haven't done my music immersion yet to mood up for the concert itself.

I have passed the 15-day mark with the Finch app which is good. It is still getting me to get things done even though I have an average of 80-90 tasks a day. I think I managed to check off up to 20% of it on a good day. Although not all the tasks are really urgent for the day. What I do is I list EVERYTHING I need to do whether today or another day so I don't forget. It has helped a little with the anxiety especially that feeling that I may have forgotten something or that I should be doing something else. All I need to do is check with Berry (my bird pet friend on the app). Then as much as possible I have listed and scheduled repeating tasks and know they are accounted for.

So I guess "gamified" does work for me.

I have to get back to home cooking everyday and it is my biggest struggle and challenge now given the energy demand of work + cat feeding + daily self maintenance.

Thing is, my finances are a mess because of the daily deliveries of healthy food options. I have to do the daily deliveries because the parents have difficult preferences that I have to balance versus health considerations.

As for art and studio work, well.

Nothing much, hahaha.

Although I got to publish on Medium recently.

And I actually got likes for some of them! ^_^ And I'm getting subscribers.

Halfway through the thirty minutes.

This practice is pretty much like Julia Cameron's Morning Pages. No set topic. Just whatever needs to pour out. I've since morphed her Morning Pages to Daily Pages so it's even more flexible for me. And I've loosened up all the other rules she had for it.

I have to bring in my work laptop for reformatting next Tuesday. For a moment I was hoping I'd get a new one hahaha! My laptop is only 2 years old though, and I have been happy with it so it's ok if I don't get a new one yet. (It's just that it's sooooo heavy because it's a heavy-duty gaming laptop. But damn it can run smoothly whatever I want it to.)


So I got distracted by a text from our internet provider about a free wi-fi mesh installation to remove dead zones and improve signals. And I went to chatting with customer service, totally forgetting that I am writing this post! #adhd

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