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Daily Thirty, #00007

Daily Thirty is 30 minutes every day of giving myself space just to sit down and write anything. It's for calming, therapy, grounding.

In thirty minutes after I write this post I will be interviewing one more candidate for the team. Then when I get back to work next week I will push for the two chosen ones to start within September.

Meanwhile it's also payday today and of course almost all the money's gone or already earmarked for payments and necessary budgets.

I am no closer to opening up the online art shop given my slow art-making. Hence why I want the new people to join in as early as possible so I can get back more time and stick to an eight-hour max of work every workday.

But I was able to make one more smol piece today:

I also feel that the forest and the garden will be populated with more creatures and beings soon... I have been waiting for them for a long time.

I woke up extra late again today because the cough had come back and disrupted my sleep and I suspect it's more my allergy rhinitis already than a real cough. So I took my meds for that and I am up to six tablets/capsules a day now including supplements. Mendokusai. I dislike being sickly. I had to tell the Japanese boss this morning that I couldn't come to work yet and even though I am actually unwell I felt like I was just making excuses. Or that could just be the trauma.

I am on cat feeding duty today and I love the cats but I hate the heat. Since perimenopause has set in I have been extra sensitive to heat which makes every little exertion a miserable moment. I have sensory issues about sweating and feeling too warm. I hate summers.

I am thinking of going to work on-site next week on non-cat-feeding days to push a few energies along. And while I am still coming off "fresh" from a break. I just really hope the cough is mostly gone by then because I sound scarily sick when the cough hits me and would not want to cause any concern to others. It's also not easy to work with a mask on all the time.

I have given up on having a blog that gathers hundreds or thousands of followers for being inspiring or ideal. This blog is just going to be real with all the struggles. But i will be sharing my wins here as well, rare as they may be. I thought I'll focus only on art but my art is also my life and I cannot isolate it without context. I dream of the forest and the garden because of what I am going through on a daily basis, and the histories I have had with relationships and self-knowing.

I will be adding one more layer of story to the Storybook soon. *fingers crossed*

May your day be full of love.

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