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Daily Thirty, #00008

Daily Thirty is 30 minutes every day of giving myself space just to sit down and write anything. It's for calming, therapy, grounding.

I wasn't planning to but I somehow found myself moved to get started on that new Storybook chapter. It's called Crone Fairy Tales and there aren't any posts for it yet but it's ready.

I really should trust my natural process. As well as give me time to simply recover. My mistake for this break was to push myself in the first week to immediately get the changes done. To make the big shifts happen. Instead, I got sick and was forced to no-action. Now, in the final days of the leave, what I wanted to start to happen effortlessly started to happen. Because it was the time when my body and mind were truly ready and not when I thought it should be ready.

This is perhaps the longest and hardest lesson I have to learn. To trust my process. To give myself the time. Patience is key, as the sayings would go these days.

Today I plan to put out a lot of stuff from the house into the street corner near the big garbage bin that the garbage truck regularly empties every day. That's where people who live and work nearby also dump items that may still be of use to others. I've been bringing out bags of still-good items there are they disappear in less than half an hour. And today I have bigger items to put out: shelves, a folding table, a bag of small items with barely used makeup, toiletries, or stationery that I know I will no longer need or use. I prefer to leave them out for the random luck and serendipity of others. I prefer this over the narcissist parent's style of bestowing them on people who could do favors for her, to selling them off to make money even though the item is already too worn out to be worth asking money for.

(I used to turn over all items for donation and giveaway to the narcissist parent (before I realized the narcissism) but found out that the items were sold to make money or gifted to people as seeds for future favors.)

So today I want fair chances for more people. Because in terms of energy exchange, I want the same fair chance at serendipitous finds and lucky chances.

Yes, I have an issue about owing favors and asking for favors. I would rather be the one owed to so I always put in more than share in anything. Especially at work. So in case I absolutely need to ask for something I know I've put it more than enough in exchange and in advance.

Ok. Moving on -- it is a Saturday payday which means it's errand day. I've already paid rent and utility bills. Now I have to make the grocery list. I want to try, again, and again, to cook ahead for at least 3 days. And I want to eat more vegan and vegetarian. This is one thing that's complicating my energy allocation. I have to prepare 2 types of meals if I want to go vegan/vegetarian because the Boomer parents can only go as far as giving up red meat and just eat chicken and seafood.

On a positive note, I will have 2 new people coming in by September *fingers crossed*

which means I have better chances of a reasonable daily workload that will give me more time to prepare and cook meals.

You see how everything is all connected and context is everything.

May your day be restful and recharging.

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