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Gathering My Selves Together

Online public it's going to be here, this website. Here will be my main home/hub in cyberspace. Online private will be in - my second brain, my PKM, my daily manager, my dumping ground for all thoughts in words and pictures, my collation of all my social media fragments.

I have unpublished my Patreon today and am planning to send recent patrons one last gift. Instead of spreading myself too thin, I want to put attention and effort into the art shop on this site. I want to revive and strengthen the Forest stories, and to go back to building more of what's mine.

At the same time, I want to grow the forest at my own pace, as my mental health and physical capacity allow me. So I want to just focus on fewer spaces to take care of, especially since my dayjob work tends to spill over and just flood everything. I want to be able to manage to save my time and energy for this website and counter all the demands of work with deliberate movements for creating fairy tales.

My finances remain a mess and giving up the pledges was a tough decision, but it has been brewing in my mind since last year.

So here I am, closing some doors and hoping to open new ones. The pandemic has been a significant marker, a line between Before and After. There have been disasters, but there have also been gifts. Mistakes made. Lessons learned.

The way I have been feeling lately is a rising sense of urgency to remember. Remember what has always been true for myself and my life. What I truly dream about. What I deeply want. So I fight back, in one way or another, not to be drowned in complacency, lulled in a false sense of fulfillment, or even tricking myself into settling for what seems easy.

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