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Going for it

Signed up for the full weekend on Aug 6-7. Saturday is a make-up day for last Saturday's canceled event. Sunday is an extension day. I have three days left to prepare. So far I've printed contact cards, 2 sets of stickers, and cut papers for postcards and notecards. I would really want to have a fresh batch of originals, 8 x 10s or A4s. But I don't know if I can do them.

The work days have been full and busy since Monday. Today I have a meeting with my boss to discuss immediate future stuff and I am only half-prepared mentally. I am also working on a final paper for a training session provided by the company and it's due on the 13th. It's an 8-page paper but the trickiness is in the content. It requires a lot of deep and critical thinking. Design thinking. And that's on top of the regular work.

I'm negative already on the paycheck that came in last week because half had gone to pay the house rent. So I had to borrow against my teeny tiny savings which I'm putting aside for my dad's surgery which, as days go by, seems less likely to happen anytime soon unless I somehow manage to get a bank loan or a credit card with sufficient credit limit.

I have already rendered six months into my job so maybe I will have better chances if I apply again now.

Earnings from the Art Mart have been a lifesaver as they filled in the many small gaps for household needs. So I have every intention to make the most of every opportunity to participate. Also, the creative energy in that event uplifts me and pulls me back away from falling into the abyss of despair.

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