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The Day After

I did not sleep well again. Was wide awake until almost 3 AM and then I slept for a little and kept waking up at intervals of less than half an hour. My eyes hurt from fatigue by the time I got up at a little before 9 AM.

The day after Christmas always makes me crave ordinary regular food so I had a breakfast of bacon, egg, and rice instead of the special ham and queso de bola. Then I took an Advil because I was in pain in many parts of my body due to the lack of sleep and the sudden onset of PMS.

All plans to be productive went out the window as I curled up in my studio nook waiting for the pains to abate.

I could not stand the energy at the house, and I am too tired to try to lift the energy towards a more positive flow all by myself. So I took another Advil in the afternoon and went out, mask and face shield on, alcohol spray in the bag. I bought a pack of cheap round paintbrushes because my current ones are starting to really fray. I bought a small jar of white poster color to experiment with. Then I went to my favorite coffee shop to pass the time.

I was with my sister, by the way. We got free cups of brewed coffee because of my recent purchase of beans for the house. I indulged in a set of tiny cheesecakes in various flavors. I brought my journal and tried to write but I could not focus. I just wanted to not have to do anything. I ate my cakes and drank my coffee. I fought off the sleepiness that crept up on me.

We went home at around dinnertime. We ate yesterday’s leftovers of tripe in peanut sauce and roast chicken. And now here I am writing this.

It has been rainy all day. I just want to sleep a full day while it rains.

In the few short periods of sleep last night, I had a dream that was so vivid and adamant. It said I should fix one corner of my studio nook to fix the energy flow. I am due to change the rugs anyway so might as well do the fix. I’ll also burn some sage for good measure. Maybe it will help my sleep.

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